Jul 16, 2012

35 Weeks, etc.

I am 35 weeks, the baby has dropped (I don't remember this happening with Lily or James, and boy it's uncomfortable), I'm still throwing up (but only twice a day!), and today the doctor let me know he's afraid we have low amniotic fluid. I'm refusing to "google" it as I'm sure it'll just freak me out. I'll go in for an ultrasound in two days to confirm the low amniotic fluid and then we'll decide what needs to happen.

 James sure loves his daddy and smothers him with kisses. Mike plays a game with the kids called "No Kisses!" where he says "no kisses" and tries to hide his face from the kids. Of course he is always unsuccessful and ends up with two kids attacking and almost head-butting him. It's too funny.

James has gotten really good at crying crocodile tears. He can turn the waterworks off and on at the drop of the hat. One of the best ways I've found to distract him is to take pictures, because then he wants to see the pictures instead of crying :)
This week I've been *uber-nesting* - I've organized every room in the house, and (to Mike's dismay) the shed, and the garage. Sunday I started organizing the Primary closet (have I mentioned I was recently called as the 1st Counselor?). I also made my own rose oil to rub on my tummy in these last few weeks of pregnancy. I'm hoping all of this energy means baby is getting ready to come!

Jul 11, 2012

4th of July and 33 weeks

33 weeks
Our Sunday before the 4th of July outfits :)

Getting ready to go to the parade.

Once we were at the parade, the kids sat in the stroller, ate fruit snacks, and waved. For Bayfield being a smaller town, it was a long and well attended parade! After it was over, we booked it into the park so I could get a smoked turkey leg - mmmm. Even though there was a firework ban, we enjoyed the day, especially because Mike was home with us.
I promise, they had lots and lots of fun.

She Lays Idle In The Month of June

I can't recall the rest of that poem (the title of this blog post), but that's how I feel about June. Pretty much the only thing we did in June was buy the kids a trampoline. Exciting for them and, even though I don't jump on it, it's exciting for me because they spend HOURS out there jumping. It's been amazing to watch James get so much better at balancing and jumping. Lily loves to do "tricks" (her favorite lately is "Watch me 'magine": she closes her eyes, spins in a circle, and tells us what she was imagining in her mind) and can bounce really high.

We've also gone one day a week to what's called "Roadside Park" here in Bayfield. There's a stream that runs through that Lily loves playing in. James is a bit more cautious about water (just like his mama) but he still enjoys throwing sticks and rocks in the water.

I'm so glad that James and Lily are friends. I've always hoped and prayed for twins (well, "always" since I changed my mind about having kids at all) and have recently realized that I got them, but one at a time :) James is so big, and Lily so little, that they can play together easily. I sure love having them, and am getting a little more excited about this new baby coming (6 weeks left!).