Whew, with all of the crazy we've gone through in the last 6 months (buying a house, selling a house, buying another house, moving 3 states away) I've gotten lax at posting the fun things we've been doing! In September, we went house-hunting in Colorado. It was pretty hilarious, Mike and I forgot our checkbook and in order to pay our Earnest Money, we had to withdraw cash from multiple ATM's in multiple cities (60+ miles from each other) and put that money in Money Orders. What a hassle!
Stupid Chase bank doesn't have any branches within 400 miles of Durango! We had a really long night, driving back and forth, withdrawing large amounts of cash from Walgreen's Chase ATM's. It was all worth it when we saw deer in the middle of town the next morning!
Lily and James loved playing with Gramma and Grampa's kitties and horsies.
They helped Grampa put a swing up in the tree.
Visiting Nana and Papa was lots of fun. James loved climbing the wrong way up the slide, and both kids liked sliding down it. They also enjoyed getting up close and personal with the chickens!
We went to the Hogle Zoo. Lily hadn't stopped talking about the "scary elephant" since the last time we went, and this was our shot to get her un-scared.
James was still only crawling in September (lazy baby LOL) but loved leaning on the stroller and pushing Lily around. I've seen a theme with them: James hauling Lily around on his walker, pushing her around in the stroller, etc. It's sweet.
And that was our September!