After what seems like FOREVER, we are finally in our new house! Our original offer stipulated us closing on April 29th, but the repairs that were required to satisfy our lender kept getting put off by a stubborn seller. After a 2nd opinion (which confirmed the need for a major structural repair), the seller agreed to hire workers on May 6th. Our broker was telling us that even if the seller started the repairs by the 9th, she couldn't ok anything until it was completed and signed off on by the Structural Engineer. Then the broker would need 24 hours to review paperwork, then the attorney's need 24 hours, and the title company would need 24 hours, leaving us HOMELESS for several days until closing could be scheduled. Our lease was up May 15th, and we were anticipating not closing until the 17th. PANIC is the only feeling that I felt during that week. By no small miracle, the work was completed and approved in one day, our broker pushed her hardest and got everything off to the title company in 36 hours, and we were able to close on May 12th! We moved everything in one day and are SO happy to be *
HOME*. I am so greatful for a loving Heavenly Father who surely helped move things along so that I didn't have a nervous breakdown.
We've become well acquainted with the local wildlife:
That is "Baby Alligator", as Lily has named it. That's Mike's drill battery charging up. Every night, BA curls up around the battery for warmth (or companionship, considering it's 82 degree's now at 2 in the morning), and every morning he takes off under the work bench. He's a good little bug eater. We also have a "Porch Frog" that hides under our bushes out front. He's a little too fast for pictures - but one of these days I'll get him!
Love it!