Sep 22, 2013

Lily’s First Soccer Game

Lily and her 6 closest friends started soccer yesterday. They are the youngest team (all 5 years old and under) and all super inexperienced in sports. It was fun watching them chase the ball like a herd of ducks. Lily is the smallest by quite a bit, but isn’t the least bit afraid to charge into the fray. We’ll be working on her kicks, but as you can see, her follow-through is fantastic (haha!). Poor James wasn’t feeling well and slept in a papasan chair while Cayenne guarded him. As my mom said, “Every dog needs a boy”. Make sure you view the slideshow so you can see *all* the pictures Smile


  1. Awesome pics! I stole a few! ;)

  2. I can totally tell Lily uses all her little might to kick thay ball. Her leg is almost higher than her little noggin and the ball is only 3 feet away. She is SUPER darling!
